Important: This documentation covers modern versions of Yarn.
For 1.x docs, see
yarn addyarn binyarn cache cleanyarn config getyarn config setyarn config unsetyarn configyarn constraints queryyarn constraints sourceyarn constraintsyarn dedupeyarn dlxyarn execyarn explain peer-requirementsyarn explainyarn infoyarn inityarn installyarn linkyarn nodeyarn npm audityarn npm infoyarn npm loginyarn npm logoutyarn npm publishyarn npm tag addyarn npm tag listyarn npm tag removeyarn npm whoamiyarn packyarn patch-commityarn patchyarn plugin import from sourcesyarn plugin importyarn plugin listyarn plugin removeyarn plugin runtimeyarn rebuildyarn removeyarn runyarn searchyarn set resolutionyarn set version from sourcesyarn set versionyarn stageyarn unlinkyarn unplugyarn upyarn upgrade-interactiveyarn version applyyarn version checkyarn versionyarn whyyarn workspaceyarn workspaces focusyarn workspaces foreachyarn workspaces list

yarn patch

Prepare a package for patching.


$> yarn patch <package>




Format the output as an NDJSON stream


This command will cause a package to be extracted in a temporary directory intended to be editable at will.

Once you're done with your changes, run yarn patch-commit -s <path> (with <path> being the temporary directory you received) to generate a patchfile and register it into your top-level manifest via the patch: protocol. Run yarn patch-commit -h for more details.