cwd: undefined | string = Option.String(`--cwd`, {hidden: true})
deferred: undefined | false | true = Option.Boolean(`-d,--deferred`, {description: `Prepare the version to be bumped during the next release cycle`,})
immediate: undefined | false | true = Option.Boolean(`-i,--immediate`, {description: `Bump the version immediately`,})
strategy: string = Option.String()
Static paths
paths: string[][] = [[`version`],]
Static usage
: Usage = Command.Usage({category: `Release-related commands`,description: `apply a new version to the current package`,details: `This command will bump the version number for the given package, following the specified strategy:- If \`major\`, the first number from the semver range will be increased (\`X.0.0\`).- If \`minor\`, the second number from the semver range will be increased (\`0.X.0\`).- If \`patch\`, the third number from the semver range will be increased (\`0.0.X\`).- If prefixed by \`pre\` (\`premajor\`, ...), a \`-0\` suffix will be set (\`0.0.0-0\`).- If \`prerelease\`, the suffix will be increased (\`0.0.0-X\`); the third number from the semver range will also be increased if there was no suffix in the previous version.- If \`decline\`, the nonce will be increased for \`yarn version check\` to pass without version bump.- If a valid semver range, it will be used as new version.- If unspecified, Yarn will ask you for guidance.For more information about the \`--deferred\` flag, consult our documentation (`,examples: [[`Immediately bump the version to the next major`,`yarn version major`,], [`Prepare the version to be bumped to the next major`,`yarn version major --deferred`,]],})