all: boolean = Option.Boolean(`-A,--all`, false, {description: `Print versions of a package from the whole project`,})
cache: boolean = Option.Boolean(`--cache`, false, {description: `Print information about the cache entry of a package (path, size, checksum)`,})
cwd: undefined | string = Option.String(`--cwd`, {hidden: true})
dependents: boolean = Option.Boolean(`--dependents`, false, {description: `Print all dependents for each matching package`,})
extra: string[] = Option.Array(`-X,--extra`, [], {description: `An array of requests of extra data provided by plugins`,})
json: boolean = Option.Boolean(`--json`, false, {description: `Format the output as an NDJSON stream`,})
manifest: boolean = Option.Boolean(`--manifest`, false, {description: `Print data obtained by looking at the package archive (license, homepage, ...)`,})
nameOnly: boolean = Option.Boolean(`--name-only`, false, {description: `Only print the name for the matching packages`,})
patterns: string[] = Option.Rest()
recursive: boolean = Option.Boolean(`-R,--recursive`, false, {description: `Print information for all packages, including transitive dependencies`,})
virtuals: boolean = Option.Boolean(`--virtuals`, false, {description: `Print each instance of the virtual packages`,})
Static paths
paths: string[][] = [[`info`],]
Static usage
: Usage = Command.Usage({description: `see information related to packages`,details: `This command prints various information related to the specified packages, accepting glob patterns.By default, if the locator reference is missing, Yarn will default to print the information about all the matching direct dependencies of the package for the active workspace. To instead print all versions of the package that are direct dependencies of any of your workspaces, use the \`-A,--all\` flag. Adding the \`-R,--recursive\` flag will also report transitive dependencies.Some fields will be hidden by default in order to keep the output readable, but can be selectively displayed by using additional options (\`--dependents\`, \`--manifest\`, \`--virtuals\`, ...) described in the option descriptions.Note that this command will only print the information directly related to the selected packages - if you wish to know why the package is there in the first place, use \`yarn why\` which will do just that (it also provides a \`-R,--recursive\` flag that may be of some help).`,examples: [[`Show information about Lodash`,`$0 info lodash`,]],})